1. State which statement is correct
I gave Rosy a pen.
In the pattern of the sentence,
2. Fill in the blank with suitable Gerund form of the verb
_______ seemed foolish when decisive action was required.
3. Fill in the blank with the correct tense form of the verb from the options given below.
The Doctor ________ the operation tomorrow.
4. Choose the correct question tag from the list given below.
Lets go home?
5. Choose the correct question tag from the options given below.
Gopi isn't our guide __________?
6. Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition.
He was born 1960.
7. 'A thing of beauty is a joy forever'
The above line is written by
8. Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign
Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes
.... ... .. .... ... ...... ... ...
Of air that is everywhere our own,
Remember, no men are foreign, no countries strange.
What literary device is used here?
9. Choose the correct Antonym for the underlined word from the options given
Lessons repeated in Unison
10. Match the words with correct antonyms
Column A Column B
(a) Initiate 1. Sorrow
(b) Delight 2. Measurable
(c) Unkempt 3. Conclude
(d) Infinite 4. Clean
(a) (b) (c) (d)